Green, Open, Efficient - this is the motto of Cloud&Heat Technologies, a Dresden-based cloud service and technology provider. With its vision of holistic, open and sustainable solutions, the company develops and operates scalable digital infrastructures. It specifically focusses on open source software, including for instance OpenStack, the open source standard for cloud platforms, in order to bring more transparency to the cloud market. The Dresden-based company is also endeavouring to resolve the conflict between the rapidly growing demand for computing power, e.g. in the areas of deep and machine learning, and sustainability with the help of innovative technologies (use of water-cooled servers and reuse of server waste heat), thereby improving the carbon footprint across all sectors.
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This innovator is on:
Economic sectors this organisation is active in:
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION > Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
This organisation is seeking partnerships of the following nature:
Strategic Business Partners
Distributors in new markets
This organisation has been identified as a Key Innovator for the following 3 EU-funded innovations:
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