Sorbonne Université is a world-class research university, presenting the comprehensive disciplinary range of arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering and medicine. Its research draws on more than 3,400 professor-researchers and another 3,100 research partners from the major French research organisations, in more than 130 laboratories. With 8,500 publications per year (10% of all publications in France), it is a major player in international knowledge and innovation economy.
Sorbonne Université is at the heart of a network of more than 1,000 French and international socio-economic partners and each year its laboratories are involved in 350 contracts of all types with companies, about 150 invention disclosures and 50 new patent applications, for a portfolio of over 1100 intellectual property assets generating 2M€ of licensing revenues in 2022. The entrepreneurial activity of Sorbonne Université resulted in the creation of more than 270 start-ups since 2010.
To support and manage innovation, Sorbonne Université has built a rich ecosystem, labelled « Academic cluster of Innovation » by the French Ministry of Research in 2022. It includes the Technology Transfer Office SATT Lutech, 4 incubators, the Sorbonne Innovation investment fund, PEPITE (Student Pole for Innovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship), the FabLab, the KICs EIT Digital, EIT Health and Climate-KIC, and SUMMIT an engineering support unit to strengthen industrial research partnerships.
This innovator is on:
Economic sectors this organisation is active in:
EDUCATION > Education
This organisation is seeking partnerships of the following nature:
Research Partners
Strategic Business Partners
Licensing opportunities
This organisation has been identified as a Key Innovator for the following 19 EU-funded innovations:
All innovations listed above are ranked by freshness of data, i.e. the innovations most recently analysed by Innovation Radar appear at the top