Cody is a Norwegian engineering company that develops, designs and builds custom tailored production equipment, machinery and prototypes, in addition to research activities and development of electro mechanical products. Our core competences are mechanical and electrical design, robotics, cybernetics, automation, industrial IT and complex system integrations. Our greatest asset is our experience in developing solutions for a wide range of industries, such as the battery industry, the pharmaceutical and radiopharmaceutical industry, production of subsea equipment and automated recycling solutions. Our goal is to develop high-tech and automated solutions for our customers, which provide high productivity and quality and enables effective use of resources and space.
This innovator is on:
Economic sectors this organisation is active in:
MANUFACTURING > Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.
MANUFACTURING > Manufacture of electrical equipment
Any video or documents linked to above have been placed on this page by CODY AS and their presence on this page does not imply endorsement by the European Commission nor is the European Commission responsible for the content of these materials.
This organisation is seeking partnerships of the following nature:
Strategic Business Partners
Licensing opportunities
This organisation has been identified as a Key Innovator for the following 5 EU-funded innovations:
All innovations listed above are ranked by freshness of data, i.e. the innovations most recently analysed by Innovation Radar appear at the top