Greenroads was set up to reduce the environmental impact of transportation by leveraging AI and big data. The vision is smart, efficient, safe, and sustainable mobility enhancing the quality of life of all citizens. With a normal camera, Greenroads can detect and track all the types of vehicles and pedestrians, and understand where they are going and at what speed, while an easy to use interface offers visualisations and reports. This enables easy data delivery for consulting and simulation of future scenarios. This smart technology is enabling private complexes and cities to develop into livable spaces that optimise the use of space by various modes and prioritise active modes of transport.
This innovator is on:
Economic sectors this organisation is active in:
INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION > Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE > Land transport and transport via pipelines
CONSTRUCTION > Civil engineering
Greenroads GreenFlow brochure
Any video or documents linked to above have been placed on this page by GREENROADS LIMITED and their presence on this page does not imply endorsement by the European Commission nor is the European Commission responsible for the content of these materials.
This organisation is seeking partnerships of the following nature:
Strategic Business Partners
Distributors in new markets
This organisation has been identified as a Key Innovator for the following EU-funded innovation:
All innovations listed above are ranked by freshness of data, i.e. the innovations most recently analysed by Innovation Radar appear at the top