Discover great EU-funded Innovations
Externally validated tool and sensors for broader adoption and commercialization of sensor technology in the pig value chain.
Market Maturity: Exploring
These are innovations that are actively exploring value creation opportunities. Learn more
Market Creation Potential
This innovation was assessed by the JRC’s Market Creation Potential indicator framework as addressing the needs of existing markets and existing customers. Learn more
Women-led innovation
A woman had a leadership role in developing this innovation in at least one of the Key Innovator organisations listed below.
Go to Market needs
Needs that, if addressed, can increase the chances this innovation gets to (or closer to) the market incude:
  • Prepare for Market entry
Location of Key Innovators developing this innovation
Key Innovators
UN Sustainable Development Goals(SDG)
This innovation contributes to the following SDG(s)
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

The UN explains: "Investments in infrastructure – transport, irrigation, energy and information and communication technology – are crucial to achieving sustainable development and empowering communities in many countries. It has long been recognized that growth in productivity and incomes, and improvements in health and education outcomes require investment in infrastructure."

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

The UN explains: "Sustainable consumption and production is about promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all. Its implementation helps to achieve overall development plans, reduce future economic, environmental and social costs, strengthen economic competitiveness and reduce poverty.

The EU-funded Research Project
This innovation was developed under the Horizon 2020 project ClearFarm with an end date of 31/03/2024
  • Read more about this project on CORDIS
Description of Project ClearFarm
Animal welfare has become a fundamental aspect of livestock production. Current animal welfare assessment tools usually rely on momentary recordings and on awkward integration of various indicators with different units. Besides, existing tools to assess farm animal welfare are time consuming and costly. Precision livestock farming (PLF)-technology allows to monitor and optimise farming processes. PLF systems generate large volumes of on-farm data that can be used to monitor welfare in pigs and dairy cattle. ClearFarm proposes to use PLF technology and integration of animal-based data, based on a blockchain approach, to enable improved animal welfare across the entire production chain. This will contribute to improved sustainable pig and dairy cattle production, the two livestock production systems with the highest shares in Europe. ClearFarm aims to co-design, develop and validate a software platform powered by an algorithm integrating PLF data to provide animal welfare information, as well as other environmental and economic sustainability information that will assist (i) production chain stakeholders and (ii) consumers on decision making within the pig and dairy cattle value chains. Regulators, consumers and producers, policy makers, among other stakeholders, will get involved in the design of the new solution, seeking thus a multi-actor approach in most of the stages of the project. The software platform will be capable to inform the welfare status in a variety of production systems, considering geographical divergences within production systems in Europe. The outcome of the algorithm will feed a user-friendly platform that will be adapted to inform the different targeted audiences. ClearFarm will assist producers in optimizing production process, but also for consumers to have more insight into the background of animal products, providing thus a better understanding of animal welfare.

Innnovation Radar's analysis of this innovation is based on data collected on 21/07/2024.
The unique id of this innovation in the European Commission's IT systems is: 124961